Cold and warm colors in clothes

Choosing the color of clothes, in addition to personal interest and taste, also requires knowing the principles of the color of clothes. Of course, based on experience and over time, you may have decided which colors are right for you and which are not for you.
Of course, many prefer to wear only black clothes instead of spending money to gain experience or know the principles of colors in setting clothes. Because from the point of view of many, black is a color that suits everyone and never goes out of fashion, and in addition, there is no need to set. But with a little effort, you can know the principles of harmony in the colors of clothes and use it as harmony in music notes to wear eye-catching colors of clothes and always shine.
Recognize the difference between warm and cold colors
Knowing the difference between hot and cold colors and using them correctly has a tremendous effect not only on fashion but also on all aspects of your life. Knowing these two categories and using them correctly can have a great impact on your feelings and the perception of others of you, and you can control these feelings to the desired extent. One of the most important color categories is the three categories of warm colors, cool colors, and neutral colors.
Of course, there are other categories, but psychologically, people choose each of these three categories based on their mood and personality. So you can guess how much knowing this category introduces you to the people around you. In the color cycle, warm and cold colors are opposite each other and in their neighborhoods are neutral colors.
Cool colors include the blue and green color spectrums and their combinations. The main features of these colors are soothing, security, and tranquility. In front of this category, as we said, there are warm colors that include orange, red, and yellow and their combinations. Have the best choice by buying Joseph Ribkoff clutches online.
When to wear warm colors
Autumn is the season of colors. You must have heard this sentence many times. The variety of colors in this beautiful season of the year is very high, while in winter, gray and brown colors are the most seen in nature.
In winter, the day length is short and the weather gets dark quickly, and unfortunately, many people wear neutral colors such as white, gray, and black, which increases the feeling of nostalgia and boredom in this wave season.
Therefore, you should remember to wear warm colors in the cold seasons of the year. Choosing warm colors, especially for buying coats and skirts or any women's clothing, is very energetic and has a positive effect on people's mood. For example, red and orange are warm colors that are highly recommended for wearing in cold seasons.
These two colors are the same color as autumn leaves and give people a pleasant feeling. Red alone is extremely attractive and can be easily set with crimson and green.
In general, warm colors are very suitable for people with light and white skin, but those who have slightly dark or wheaten skin should not wear too bright colors, and using dark and light red colors is more suitable for them. Do not miss the end-of-season sale - Ziba couture.
When to wear cool clothes
In hot seasons, due to the hot weather, it is more appropriate to use colors that balance body temperature. Wearing cool and light colors, especially in summer, causes a feeling of tenderness in humans and reduces the feeling of warmth in the air a little.
Cool colors with blue tonality and their combination with white, pink, and pastel colors are very suitable for this season. We suggest you buy your cheap dresses online from the Ziba couture store.
Wear to match your skin tone
Choosing the right color may seem a little difficult, but one of the best ways to choose a color is according to skin color. To do this, you must first know whether your skin color is warm or cold. To do this, take a look at the color of the prominent veins in your wrist.
If your veins are purple or blue, your skin is cold, and if your veins are green, your skin is warm. Of course, if you can not tell the color of your veins or blue and green together, you probably have neutral skin. We suggest you do not miss the Sympli clothing sale.
Clothing color for warm skin
If you have warm skin, it is better to go for warm gray colors. Colors such as red, yellow, gold, honey, and coral are suitable for you. But you should know that any warm color or gray is not suitable for you. Of course, if you like cool colors, warmer tones of purple, reddish-purple, and olive are a good choice for you.
Wear brown and gray among the neutral colors. Do not forget that cool colors such as ice blue or ruby are not suitable for you because it makes you feel depressed. You can safely buy your cheap women's pants from a women's clothing boutique.
Clothing color for cold skin
But if you have cold skin, use cool ocean colors. If you are thinking of buying a women's jumpsuit, icy blue, pure purple and emerald colors can be great options.
You can also use gray, white, and gold to set these colors. Do not forget that choosing orange and yellow colors is not a good option for you and you should avoid warm colors due to the color of your skin.
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